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BDC Bak Kut Teh

*** Warning: A non-halal post ***

On a rainy day, it is best to have a pot of hot soup to warm ourselves. Thinking of this, what comes to Salt n Pepper's minds on one rainy day was to have Bak Kut Teh (literally means Pork Rib Tea). Next question in mind would be the place to have it.

Without heavy thinking, we both decided to go to the bak kut teh stall at BDC. The stall is located inside a coffee shop named Hiong Man Low. The coffee shop is just beside the BDC Taka Cake House and opposite BDC Everise. One should not miss it as the location of the shop is quite visible when one turns into BDC Everise Supermarket.

The shop is usually fully packed with people during lunch time and most of the visitors would order bak kut teh although the coffee shop has other stalls such as chicken rice and kolo mee. The Bak Kut Teh stall is located at the end of the shop and same as any other coffees shop, you would have to go over the stall and order for yourself.

There are a few types of meats to choose from (can see from meats on display at the stall counter). Just let the order taker knows your choice. No harm also to ask what other available choices of meats. A bak kut teh meal would be incomplete without a bowl of rice. The Bak Kut Teh served here comes with a bowl of garlic rice. To us, we think their garlic rice smells nice and tasty.

For Salt n Pepper, our choice of meats is pretty simple. One type only and it is the 3-layered pork. The pork is really tender with the right level of layers so that you won't really taste a 1-layered or 2-layered pork which is filled with fat and thick skin only without the lean meat portion. The meat is also well cooked as there is no heavy pork smell.

Bak Ku Teh

Garlic Rice

You can order a bowl of you char kueh as side dish as well to dip into the soup.

You Char Kueh

Be sure to reach early if you want to enjoy a pot of tasty and aromatic bak kut teh as the stall can finish selling as early as around 1pm.

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2 comments: said...

i always tapao home eat. hehe

Catherine said...

salt, this post looks really yummy! great for rainy days like december now :) good description on the meat texture too, looking forward to more entries :)

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