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A Visit to Malacca

This visit happened a few months back in August 2010.  Everyone will say if you visit Malacca must try the Chicken Rice Ball.  When we reached there, there were quite a number of shops to choose from trying out this Chicken Rice Ball. However, we made our choice and chose 'Nasi Ayam Hoe Kee' (after some research before going over). The day we reached was a Saturday and the queue was long even though the time was almost 2pm.

This is how the chicken rice ball look likes.  What is special about this dish is that the chicken rice is served in the shape of a rice ball.

Another famous dessert that you should not missed to give it a try is the iced cendol in palm sugar (Gula Melaka). It is this sugar syrup that makes it such a specialty as compared to the normal iced cendol we have it back in our own hometown. While enjoying the refreshing iced cendol, you can also check out the interiors of the shop.

Having headache of what to get for your family, relatives or friends? You can consider buying the pineapple tarts.  The tarts are freshly made everyday and contained no artificial ingredients and importantly it tastes nice. There are a few shops selling this but we bought ours from Pooh Keon Enterprise. The shop also sells durian puff but unfortunately both Salt n Pepper does not like durian.  From the looks afar without smelling the puff, it seems like a puff with overflowing melted cheese.

A visit to Malacca would not be complete without visiting those famous historical sites such as the Stadhuys, A'Famosa ruins, St Paul's church ruins, Portuguese ship and so on. For general information, this historical city centre has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 7 July 2008.

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2 comments: said...

so miss Malacca a lot and the chicken rice ball hehe :)

Salt Pepper said...

can always make a second trip back :)

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